Do you have the Top 7 Skills needed for becoming a Data Scientist?

A good data scientist and analyst needs to be more than just a number cruncher. It is not enough to just work with numbers, a data scientist needs to be able to understand and communicate the story behind the numbers.

So do you have the skills to get into this emerging and lucrative career of Data Scientist?

Seven Main Skills for becoming a good Data scientist

There are Seven Main Skills needed for being a good Data Scientist. Go ahead and check which ones you already have and which ones you need to acquire to become a great Data Scientist.

  1. Analytical Skills: Are you able to analyses, compare and go beyond the surface –not just the numbers but any situation, problems. Are you curious to know more?
  2. Critical Thinking: Are you able to think clearly and objectively based on reasons and understand the logical connection between the ideas. Critical thinkers’ questions ideas and assumptions objectively but systematically rather than accepting them at face value.
  3. Attention to Detail: Are you able to work with attention to detail i.e. thoroughly and accurately when accomplishing a task with all concerns involved.
  4. Math Skills: Do you have basic Math skills to understand and use numerical data. Though for complex calculations, several software and applications are available today but you do need basic understanding of Math.
  5. Communication Skills: Are you able to present your information in a manner which people can understand. You will need to write and speak clearly, easily communicating complex ideas.
  6. Story Telling Skills –The future of analytics is Data Story Tellers- who have the ability to transpose complex numerical intricacies into interesting business story. You will need the ability to combine science of data analysis with meaningful narrative and attractive visualizations.
  7. Business Know How – Analysis of data and insights can be meaningful only if they can be applied to your business situations. You do need to have strong understanding of business and domain expertise to use data analysis for identifying relevant opportunities and threats for your business success.

So these are the Seven most important skills you need to succeed in the field of data analysis and data science.

However, do not lose heart, if you do not have some of them as most of these skills can be learnt through training and practice.

Wishing you best for your career as a successful data scientist.

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