Data Science Series – Level I

Ambeone’s Basic Data Analytics Course

Fundamentals of Data Analytics, Interpretation & Simple Measures of Data

In Person Class Room Training in Dubai

Course Objective

Basic Data Analytics program to help understand key techniques and fundamentals for doing data analysis and interpretation correctly using basic statistical concepts. Learn the simple measures of the data and techniques for comparing and interpreting data correctly.

Suitable for

Junior and Middle level executives engaged in data analytics and report generation roles like Finance, Accounts, Marketing, HR, Logistics etc to help them understand of fundamentals of data analytics and interpretation and how to do it well.

Ambeone’s  Basic Data Analysis course sets up the foundation of using Data correctly by analysing and interpreting it accurately as per statistical concepts. It also introduces the participants to the world of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence & its impact on the future.

Big data analytics is already being considered as the field to be in if you want to fast track your career path. With the world going online and leaving a trail of data behind, there is a dearth of skilled data analysts.

By learning the Fundamentals of Data Analytics, you take the first step in the journey of Data Science.

This basic Data Analytics course will induct you in the world of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence help you to gain understanding a jump start on how to integrate these new age technology in your professions.

In today’s data driven world, no one can stay ignorant of using and interpreting data.

What is Data Interpretation and how to do it well

It will help Non-Data users to understand key techniques and popular measures used for data analysis and help them to interpret them correctly as per basic statistical concepts.

The program focus will be providing practical hands on learning for the methodology, steps & measures for for correct data analytics and interpretation using case studies and real life business scenarios. Course is taught with practical hands-on examples, case studies and assignments.

In addition this basic data Analysis course will also provide an orientation and familiarize the participants with the core concepts related to Big data or Data Science, Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence and their applications in different business functionalities. It will provide an opportunity to have an early understanding and foundation for these fast emerging  tools that you cannot avoid any longer for future professional growth!

Ambeone recognized as Leading Data Science Trainers
Ambeone recognized as Leading Data Science Trainers
Learn Basics of Data Analytics -Ambeone Modeling with R
Linear Regression for Predictive Modeling with R
Predictive Modeling & Basic Machine Learning with R in Dubai

Topics Covered

  1. Overview of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  2. What is Data Analytics and Data Interpretation
  3. Basic concepts & Measures in Statistics for Data Analysis
  4. Techniques for Data Analysis and Visualization
  5. How to ensure correct comparison and interpretation of Data
  6. What is Big Data Analytics and Data Science
  7. Characteristics of Big Data
  8. Concept of Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning
  9. How this leads to Artificial Intelligence
  10. Applications of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in your business

The program is ideal for anyone in or aspiring to be in the field of Data Analysis and Data Science. It will help them to do their current job more efficiently and accurately while also familiarizing them for the future with Data Science & AI and its impact on their work and industry.

Course Duration

8 Hours of Instructor Led Session


6 Hours of Case Studies + Assignments

Course Format

1/2 Day Workshop for Corporate batches


Two Weekend Sessions for Public batches

Course Pre-Requisite


As it is First Level

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