Business Intelligence and KPI Development Training


Business Intelligence has become an important tool for every management. The ability of BI in providing insights, information and visibility has proved immensely valuable to managers across all industries. It is therefore no surprise that BI has become an integral part of any company’s Data Management.

Ambeone’s Business Intelligence Training and KPI Development Course introduces to you the key concepts and the structure of enterprise business intelligence. Learn the core skills of data mining, data warehousing, BI requirements and data quality to make more effective business decisions.

Who Should Attend the Business Intelligence Training

This course is intended for professionals who use data to make business decisions. From IT professional working in data warehousing to marketers to upper management, this course provides the tools and skills to understand the importance of BI in every organization.

Benefits of the Program

Ambeone’s BI Course will benefit individuals and your Organization in a variety of ways including:

  • Measure and improve data quality
  • Understand the different development phases and approaches to BI
  • Make critical decisions based on the most accurate information.
  • Empower your employees to make use of timely, meaningful information and create useful reports.
  • Create in-depth reports for Financial, Marketing, Operations and other Departments in your organization.
  • Determine company’s readiness to adopt BI Tools

Course Outline

  • An Introduction to Business Intelligence
  • BI Development Phases and Methods Approaches
  • Identifying business data needs for today and tomorrow and importance of business strategy.
  • Data Quality and Architecture
  • Data Governance and Change Management
  • Data Warehousing
  • BI Requirements Gathering
  • Build Vs Buy
  • Identifying and Developing KPI Models
  • Measuring KPIs



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