Why should you choose Artificial Intelligence as career?

Artificial Intelligence is much in news these days.

The techniques of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning (often together referred as ‘Data Science’) can be used to not only automate tasks that are repetitive but also carry out complex tasks quickly, which once seemed impossible and even unthinkable. In addition the use of Data Science and AI is driving Innovations across all industries and providing its practitioners with a unique competitive edge in today’s tough market conditions.

No wonder the field of Data Science and AI is progressing at exponential pace and excelling in this field opens door for huge career growth in any field or Industry like Finance, IT, Aviation, Retail, Healthcare, Automobile, Entertainment and indeed everything else.

However the key to progress in a career in AI is to learn the underlying data science and statistical concepts well and then develop the skills to apply it an effective and meaningful manner to different business scenarios.

Studying artificial intelligence opens a new world which is filled with endless possibilities. To comprehend the basics and peculiarities related to career in AI, opting for Data Science and Artificial intelligence training is one of the quickest way. Getting trained in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will help you to understand AI techniques and tools that are being used currently and how they can be evolved for further use in your profession. As with any other field,If you stick with this stream with dedication and enthusiasm, you will soon be able to create cutting-edge innovative AI applications.

For instance, in the IT industry, AI helps in developing intelligent software; while in the healthcare industry, AI is taking the role of experienced clinical assistant. If we talk about financial sector, peer to peer lending platforms to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and Robo Advisors for automation of personal finance and wealth management are being used.

In transportation industry, AI is being used to perform various tasks like train scheduling and assisting drivers in the navigation of route. Introduction of the self-driving car is one of the best applications of artificial intelligence. Other parts of AI like preventive maintenance, forecasting maintenance schedule, etc. are also playing the major role in various industries like Oil n Gas, Construction etc.

Most of the renowned brands like Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Google and many others are already using concepts of AI in a variety of applications and hence are leading in their respective domains. Almost all types of functionalities across all industries are moving towards the application of artificial intelligence and therefore, the number of jobs in this field is growing day by day.

What skills would I need for learning artificial intelligence?

Well! There are a lot of prerequisites to begin your Artificial Intelligence Training which are as follows:

  • Excellent understanding of statistics, probability, vectors, matrices and calculus
  • A very good command at programming language i.e. Python and R
  • Understanding of Data Manipulation and Data visualization
  • If you are going for Deep Learning, first you must go through machine learning module
  • You will also need Big Data Analytics, so prepare yourself accordingly

Since, at core artificial intelligence deals with simulation of the thinking process in machines, it would be better if you are also thorough with the concepts of formal logic, automata and complexity theory.

Hence it is important to go for a comprehensive Data Science training that can equip with the above skills and prepare you to create your own Machine Learning and Deep Learning models so you can make a successful career as a Data Scientist dealing with AI techniques.

Due to its immense scope in the future, Data Science and Artificial intelligence training is becoming the sound choice of countless learners. Recent innovations like Alexa, Siri and other developments have earned a lot of traction. Moreover, according to Industry predictions, millions of jobs will be created in this field for the Data Science and AI trained professionals. The concepts of Data Science and AI are being used in almost every industry which is why people trained with AI and Data Science concepts skills will be required in the near future more than ever and with high salaries!



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